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MX-PRO 4.2 (v2409)

  • Improve FX Trading View

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2408)

  • Fixed: Das Option Sheet reagiert langsam, wenn Daily Options angezeigt werden.

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2406)

  • Fixed: In der FX Trading View konnten unter Umständen keine Währungen ausgewählt werden.

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2404)

  • Fixed: Das Portfolio zeigte unter Umständen Positionen nicht korrekt an, wenn der Execution Timestamp einer intraday Order vor 02:00 Uhr des selben Tages lag.

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2402)

  • Fixed: Client does not start because of too many ticks in one instrument (Times & Sales)
  • Fixed: Settings XML validation fails when setting custom API port
  • Fixed: Instrument type has wrong mapping of ETFs to legacy type „F“

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2396)

  • Fixed: Size in Order Line stays focused if click trading is used
  • Fixed: ND restrictions for EMD

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2394)

  • New Button in OrderBookView: „De/Activate“
  • Improve click-trading behavior for mouse press-drag-release combinations
  • Update calculated values while editing bid/ask/midpoint price
  • Improve Native Trailing stopin OrderBookView and Order Information View
  • Improve Native OCO in OrderBookView and Order Information View
  • Fixed: Don’t allow negative values in Trailing Offset
  • Fixed: Stop Mode: Trailing Stop field „Init. Stop“ should not be mandatory

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2355)

  • Show date instead of „GFD“ in OrderBookView and OrderInfo
  • GTC validity via OrderEntry
  • Fixed: Problems synching QuickTradingView with IE from worksheet
  • Fixed: Date problem while creating orders via DDE
  • Fixed: Sometimes ScrollBar drawn outside the ScrollPane
  • Fixed: Quick Trading View somtimes used previous step size in Close/Stop at
  • Fixed: MX-PRO freezing suddenly with many open windows
  • Fixed: Scrollbar movement in OrderBookView causes graphics problems

MX-PRO 4.2 (v2335)

  • Collapsible Compact Mode for all views
  • Finer restriction of API usage for market data
  • Fixed: Logging for „No access to market data“
  • Fixed: Stop sending „No access to market data for“ to excel
  • Fixed: EMD should not be subject to sino restrictions
  • Fixed: Dates non-selectable if a month has more than five weeks
  • Fixed: Some settings not correctly migrated to new versions
  • Fixed: Do not display Profits if there is no Buy Costs

MX-PRO 4.1 (v2321)

  • New price check allows different settings per instrument type
  • Smaller collapsible desktop title to preserve more space
  • Display whether an Instrument is shortable during order entry
  • Fixed: Orderbook tooltips no longer interfere with mouse
  • Fixed: Currency Conversation via „Instrument.Exchange$“

MX-PRO 4.1 (v2314)

  • Fixed click trading rounding based on price steps (#8093)
  • Improve UI for Settings/Quote Sheets/Default Exchanges
  • Cancel Orders by double clicking on „State“ in OrderBook

MX-PRO 4.1 (v2297)

  • Add the option to duplicate Views
  • OEP Add the option „End of Next Year“ to the right click menu
  • MiFID II front end concept addendum
  • Set Always as default for the autoquote refresh interval
  • Allow the user to define T&S defaults
  • Resized OBV after Client-Restart
  • Desktop toolbar buttons in sino skin only work with „Icons and text“
  • Permanently shown tooltips (like Order Info) may oscillate when appearing right under the mouse pointer

MX-PRO 4.1 (v2288)

  • Added customized sorting for Simple Trade View Exchanges
  • Times & Sales sometimes not correctly updated
  • Theme Picker sometimes accidentially reseted customized styles
  • Some Settings tabs have clipped off content
  • Multi-select table editing
  • Unable to set Instrument in Simple Trade sin some PRIIP situations
  • Backport the solution for issue 6188 into 4.0 maintenance branch

MX-PRO 4.0 (2278)

  • Update the version
  • Prevent duplicating defaultSettings.xml for sino Axel themes
  • Include Market Making View in Worksheet-wide-instrumentExchange and Account logic
  • Reduce padding in table cells
  • Color change in Classic Theme Style

MX-PRO 4 (v2271)

  • Dynamically load font by a new switch in GUI
  • Price steps/Offset in relation with Hotkeys
  • Quote Sheet focus after adding an instrument
  • Theme color and style improvements
  • Fixed glitch when removing instruments in Level2 view

MX-PRO 4 (v2258)

  • Fixed: Single Item Worksheet Instrument Picker may flicker
  • Use new InstrumentPicker with AutoCompletion
  • Theme color and style improvements
  • Antialiasing fixes
  • Fixed problem in SimpleTradeView when market without phase is selected
  • Fixed problem in Order Line when Enter key is pressed while focused on the Comment field

MX-PRO 4 (v2247)

  • Order Line select a default exchange when entering a symbol for the first time without specifying exchange
  • Fixed logo disappears while logging in
  • Make Quote Sheet lookups based on ISIN instead of symbol
  • Selection sometimes doesn’t work correctly in a sorted AllExchanges view in SingleItemView
  • Theme color and style improvements
  • Fixed Quote Sheet no longer displays $EUR
  • Order Info Panel – Display flags in alphabetical order.
  • Time & Sales – resetting the exchange after client restart
  • Open detached if „CTRL+left click“ is performed on Desktop Buttons

MX-PRO 4 (v2236)

  • MX-PRO becomes unusable if more than 1600 MB memory is used
  • Fixes for MacOS
  • Order Line allows pressing to send while „More“ button is focused
  • Fixed show „Market“ or „0“ in Order Line limit field for market orders
  • Theme color and style improvements
  • Dark Design Order Line buttons are not readable if disabled
  • Order information popup does not have a closing button in locked sheet
  • Portfolio view title pane get outof bounds
  • Order Line spacing (top/bottom) fixes
  • Order Line size field is too short
  • Order Line limit field is too short
  • More space in SimpleTradeView Titlebar for Instrument Picker
  • Views with a restricted maximum size have ‚maximize‘ buttons
  • Introduced Zielmarktabgleich in Login window
  • Fixed error when attempting to display the tooltip for news search
  • Buttons in the Desktop Toolbar rearranged
  • Release Simple Trade View
  • Separator to the left of InfoPaneToggleButton in view header missing
  • Portfolio default Colum order not accordingly to the default
  • DesktopToolbarButtons fixed for high-DPI displays
  • News-View improvements

MX-PRO 4 (v2197)

  • Fixed NetAvgCost in Quote Sheet View is empty
  • Theme color and style improvements
  • Add collapsible button for desktop toolbar
  • Fixed red connection problem indicator
  • Fixed missing up/down arrows in the order creation menu
  • Consistent way of representing Booleans in context menu
  • Tooltip bottom should be fully transparent
  • Fixed font display
  • Fixed settings validation for chart elements with configurable fonts
  • Theme Switch improvements
  • Fixed Order changes via API broken unless VALIDUNTIL tag is sent.

MX-PRO 4 (v2018)

  • Introducing Simple Trade trading component
  • Introducing per Instrument price steps
  • Fixed whitespace usage in chart views
  • Improved rendering of bold fonts
  • Fixed worksheets moved out of bound make all views bouncing
  • Make Order book „Beat“, „Join“, „Match“, „Activate“ and „Deactivate“ configurable by user
  • Introducing settings translation for MX-PRO 4.0
  • Introducing flexible settings inheritance concept
  • Theme color and style improvements
  • Fixed chart zoom breaks scrolling
  • Introducing themes Light/Dark/New Classic
  • Fixed EMDAPI initial one minute delay for US charts
  • Introducing configurable Single Item Worksheet
  • Fixes for Excel API
  • Introducing Order Line ISIN lookup components
  • Introducing new columns in Quote Sheet, Order book & more


  • PRIIP/KID: Show information regardless of user classification


  • EMDAPI TT: Delete hardcoded mapping of exchange unique name provided by TT to provide more flexible assignment of new market data.


  • CrossCheck: Improvements


  • PRIIP/KID: Implementation


  • Trades View: Fixed the „Total: …“ status text at the bottom of the view always showing „Total: 0.0“ instead of a summary of the selected trades.
  • Trades View: Added the number of results (trades count) to the status text at the right bottom of the view.


  • Deployment: JARs are now signed with a new certificate issued by Comodo.


  • EMDAPI MS: Updated exchange permission mapping.


  • Portfolio View: Fixed margins sometimes not being shown for positions that were opened during the current day, but before the client started.


  • Order Ticket View: Make „Confirm“ and „Cancel“ selectable in MIFID-NHT-Mode again.


  • Prevented the possibility of incorrectly establishing multiple simultaneous connections to one or more of the TBMX servers when using tbmx.client.hack.reconnectForever=true.


  • Quote Sheet View: Added a feature to apply the „Highlight“ style to bid price, bid size, ask price and ask size columns for ticks on the TDG exchange that have a certain flag. The flag can be specified using a property:
    The default is unset (meaning that no special highlighting is applied to TDG bid/ask ticks).


  • Equity Borrowing View: New information from the server about valuta offsets is now parsed and used.


  • EMDAPI MS: fix issue when unsubscring and resubscribing instruments


  • EMDAPI TT: tbmx.client.emdapi.plugins.teletrader.settleMarkets (Default „CME“,“CMEG“). When set, use FID_SETTLE for PRE, otherwise use FID_PREV_CLOSE.
  • DDE: Fixed TrailingStop orders not working, requires stop-market (otype=stop) to work.


  • EMDAPI TT: SETTLE_PRICE now takes precedence over PREV_CLOSE.


  • Quote Sheet View: Added a „Source ID“ column that shows the short ID of the EMDAPI plugin currently responsible for providing quotes for that InstrumentExchange, if any.


  • Order Book/Trades View: Added a „Comment“ filter. When empty it has no effect, otherwise it only shows entries from orders with comments that exactly match the text entered (case-sensitive, and the entire text must match).


  • Grid View: Added a workaround for a „KOSTENPFLICHTIG“ issue seen with Java on OS X (with Oracle’s Java SE 7u75 and 7u79).


  • Deployment/EMDAPI: The field number used as a fallback for PRE in case no CLOSE tag is present is now configurable.


  • API: Fixed „Invalid FILLTYPE specified, disconnecting…“ being sent whenever FILLTYPE was specified in the AO or OC commands, even if the value was valid.


  • Logging: Reduced log output when encountering order states without an explicit stop mode (e.g. orders created using click trading).


  • Price Check: Fixed confusing display of text such as „Restrictions: phase only,“ in the dialog whenever changing an order via the Order Line unless a phase was specified in the Order Line (introduced ca. 3.6.105).


  • EMDAPI MS: use SETTL instead of PREV_SETTL (which seems to be a day back) in case there is no CLOSE.


    (Revision bump)


  • General: Negative order execution fees should now be shown/properly processed throughout the client.


  • Net: Stopped sending default values for flags in order changes to avoid repeated information such as „IFDONE_MOC=0“ appearing in the Order Info View.
  • Order Line / Order Info View / Net: Flag removal – as occurs when setting order parameters such as phase, restriction, min-beat-size and visible size to their default values – is now interpreted. This means that the Order Line properly reflects the removed values, and the Order Info View shows flag removals in its state information.
  • Order Info View: Instead of appearing in the generic flag lists, „REGID“ is now shown separately as „Regulatory ID“.
  • Order Info View: Instead of showing „(peak X)“ for iceberg sizes in the CREATE-REQ text, „Visible size is X“ is used. For other states, instead of showing „RES=X“ in the generic flag information, text such as „Visible size to X“, „Visible size changed to X“, „Show hidden size“ and „Showing hidden size“ are used.
  • Order Info View: Instead of treating „IFDONE_MOC“ as a generic flag, it is now shown as „IfDone MOC“ in the CREATE-REQ state.
  • Order Info View: Instead of treating „RESTRICT“ and „PHASE“ as generic flags, special text is now shown. For restrictions, just the restriction code by itself (e.g. IOC) is shown in the CREATE-REQ state. Otherwise: „Restrict to X“, „Restricted to X“, „Remove restriction“, „Removed restriction“. For phase: „Phase is X“, „Phase to X“, „Phase changed to X“, „Remove phase“, „Removed phase“.
  • Order Info View: Changed „New Flags“ to „New flags“.
  • API: Fixed REGID sent in OS messages always being taken from the CREATE-REQ state instead of the relevant state.


  • Net: Trade Server protocol version 5 or later is now required.
  • API, Order Line: Fixed attempted changes of various order properties to their default values not taking effect with Trade Server 0.468+:
  • API: Confirmation dialogs shown when changing an order now reflect the new PHASE and FILLTYPE.
  • API: bump server version to 2.24
  • API: for clients >= 2.24, again properly return STATE=4 (rejected from TBMX) and STATE=5 (rejected by exchange) instead of STATE=11. The textual STATENAME remains „CANCELED“ as before. This actually matches the spec, but since we haven’t followed the spec since around 2004, the proper behavior is only activated for newer clients.
  • Order Line: Fixed attempted changes of various order properties to their default values not taking effect with Trade Server 0.468+:
    Vis. Size: 0
    Valid Phase: (All)
    DynaLimit: Changing „minimum beat size“ to 0
    IOC/FOK: None
    IfDone Profit/Stop: Changing from absolute to relative.
  • Order Info View: Fixed a NullPointerException when attempting to copy from a view with no order showing (e.g. because it had been loaded from settings and the order was still being retrieved or no longer existed).


  • EMDAPI MS: added a workaround against Morningstar delivering illegal non-numeric values in _TIME fields. Such events will now be logged with SEVERE level, and the current time will be used instead.
  • EMDAPI MS: Reduced logging.
  • EMDAPI MS: Make the Morningstar server port configurable with property tbmx.emdapi.plugins.morningstar.port tbmx.emdapi.plugins.morningstar.ip
  • Deployment: JARs are now signed with a new certificate
  • EMDAPI MS: Support remapping alternative requests to CHI-X Europe, Turqoise Europe or BATS Europe (in that order).
  • EMDAPI MS: when processing the second+ RECAP for an instrument, properly update the visual representation of the instrument GUI.


  • EMDAPI MS: allow multiple RECAP symbols to be specified when merging multiple MS symbols into a single TBMX instruments. Previously, only the first instrument marked as RECAP would be used.


  • Equity Borrowing View: Added a „Name“ (instrument name) column.


  • EMDAPI TT: include new JMDC library version from Teletrader which is supposed to fix deadlock issues with compression
  • EMDAPI MS: fix possible multiple lot-to-size conversations taking place when MS was sending partial BID/ASK ticks


  • API: Fixed an exception when sending orders that contained states without flags


  • API: Fixed the REGID specified in an „OC“ (order change) message not taking effect unless the order used a strategy.


  • API: when trying to OX an order with the TBMX Order ID, a NPE would happen (regression introduced with the 3.6.96 REGID changes)
  • API: Use default REGID when no REGID was specified in an order message
  • Settings: Added a field for specifying a default REGID for API orders
  • API: Changed the default accept list for API connections to „;0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1“ to include IPv6 localhost


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Added a workaround for bogus error messages about a symbol being unavailable even when valid data is being received. Previously, this would cause the instrument to go to „not permissioned“ state, e.g. showing „n/p“ in the quotesheet’s last column.
  • API: add REGID tag to „AO“ (Add Order), „OC“ (Order change), „OX“ (Order Cancel) and „OS“ (Order Status) messages, for use with regulatory or compliance IDs
  • API: New Revision 2.23


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Further refinement of how multiple MS symbols are combined by means of a bit mask.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Updated to a new version of the JMDC.jar library from TeleTrader, which introduces compression to fix the problem of delayed ticks.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Allowed control by the Quote Server over how quotes should be combined (e.g. level 1 data from A, level 2 data from B).


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed quotes not being combined as described under 3.6.89 due to a problem with the formatting of relevant information from the Quote Server.


  • EMDAPI/Logging: Reduced log output when subscribing to/unsubscribing from InstrumentExchanges via EMDAPI.


  • Deployment: JARs are now produced with attributes „Permissions: all- permissions“ and „Codebase: *“.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Added support for combining quotes from exchanges provided separately by Morningstar (e.g. OTC/PINK).


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Improved permissions detection.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed permissions detection for permissions that do not map to a single market (e.g. CME).
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed certain sorts of login failure preventing future connection attempts.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Improved error reporting for certain sorts of failures while retrieving chart data. Previously, the progress bar would show that the request was in progress indefinitely.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Corrected a time zone problem for CME/CMEG that could cause empty charts, non-updating charts, and similar problems.


  • Compatibility: Worked around a spurious „Resource is not accessible“ SecurityException occurring in Java SE 7u45 when launching via Web Start that prevented the Order Entry Panel from being used.
  • API: Duplicate „OS“ messages are no longer sent.


  • EMDAPI: Fixed a NullPointerException during history requests when using property tbmx.client.emdapi.enabled=true.
  • Teletrader EMDAPI: Do not claim that delay modes END_* are realtime just because the reported delay amount is „0 minutes“. Instead, treat them as delayed as well. Previously, END_OF_DAY and related sources were incorrectly treated as realtime and took precedence over other providers.


  • Teletrader EMDAPI: Permission overview now includes more detailed information about each permission (whether it’s L1 or L2, whether and how much it is delayed etc.)
  • EMDAPI: Default priorities changed to counter problems caused by Morningstar not properly reporting US permissions.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fix detection of auction indicative ticks on several markets.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Now properly ignores the „Closing price“ tick sent on some markets which had the total day turnover as the volume, thus resulting in a broken total volume display
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fix refresh problems after reconnecting, caused by the instruments staying in „SUBSCRIBING“ state.


  • Teletrader EMDAPI: Fixed a problem introduced recently where the timer ticker symbol was incorrectly detected as being timed out, causing an unnecessary disconnect.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Attempt to correctly determine the number of permissioned subscriptions for logging purposes.


  • EMDAPI: When changing the provider of an instrument, resubscribe it at the new provider after unsubscribing it at the old one. Previously, instruments could stay completely unsubscribed in certain circumstances
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fix native bridge crash when trying to log into MS without password
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Deal with permissions which have no SUBS_DELAY tag, instead of never subscribing the particular market at all


  • EMDAPI: a clearing tick for an ask book entry would have been processed by the bid book, causing book inconsistencies


  • EMDAPI: Log plugin login states and subscription counts every 60s
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Try to detect subscription errors due to exceeding the permissioned number of instruments, and show „n/p“ in that case
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Support fields IMPLIED_BID/_ASK, which is used on some exchanges for quotes under certain cirumstances
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: When processing RECAP messages, also try to pick up the date the messages are from
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Disable level 2 sanitization, as it is suspected to cause problems on some asian exchanges


  • API: „|“ in CPARTY values from the gateways are now converted to “ “ when encountered. This fixes malformed commands potentially being sent to API clients.


  • API: In headless mode, in many cases LO and OS messages would be unable to retrieve orders, in some cases resulting in echo messages in the form „Unable to find order…“.


  • Teletrader EMDAPI: Resubscribe instruments when receiving a server side reload notification
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Don’t de-lot TSX Level 2 data, as this already seems to be delivered unlotted


  • Deployment: JARs are now signed with a new certificate issued by Thawte.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixes to the „FormT“ mode introduced in 3.6.72.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: In sinoLastMode, bid/ask ticks from before the exchange’s current trading day are now discarded.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed some indicative ticks for SIX (and possibly other exchanges) being ignored.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: For certain exchanges INDICATIVE ticks are turned into TRADE ticks with the flag „FormT“.
  • EMDAPI: The plugin used for a subscription is now changed when a higher- priority plugin becomes available.


  • EMDAPI: The Morningstar plugin is now only given priority over the TeleTrader plugin for exchanges where its quotes are not delayed.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed missing bid and ticks when Morningstar sent only partial tick information in an update.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed existing subscriptions not resuming after a disconnection/reconnection.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Added feed delay information to the exchange permissions shown in the plugin settings, in the form „(Delayed m)“.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed the plugin not always reconnecting automatically in case of certain connection errors.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Removed the de-lotting of CAT and CAV, since TeleTrader no longer sends these lotted.


  • EMDAPI: The Morningstar plugin is now given priority over the TeleTrader plugin when both are enabled and able to provide the same InstrumentExchange.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed quotes not always resuming when the plugin was reconnected after a disconnection.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: The indicative tick logic added in 3.6.68 is now also applied when the „sinoLastMode“ property is set to true.


  • EMDAPI: Plugins now attempt to reconnect every 15 seconds when connection problems occur.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Level 2 ticks where the price and size are both 0 are no longer shown in the client.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Indicative ticks, if newer than any trade ticks, are now shown when first subscribing to an InstrumentExchange. Previously they were ignored.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Worked around a bug in the native Morningstar library that caused it to crash, and therefore all quotes to cease. This was noticed with some instruments on the Madrid exchange.


  • Deployment: JARs are now signed with a new certificate.


  • EMDAPI: Tweaked logging initialisation in an attempt to prevent EMDAPI log messages from sometimes being lost when launched via Java Web Start.


  • Order Line: Added protection against sending multiple orders by hitting „enter“ multiple times before confirmation dialogs could be shown.
  • Order Book View/Trades View: Added „Account Group“ columns.
  • Currencies: Added „CNH“ to the currency list.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed frequent disconnects caused by an exception.


  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Added exchange IDs to permissions list in the settings.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed problems with chart data being given the wrong time under some circumstances.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed ticks sometimes being shown with the wrong times.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed problems with charts not being updated with live data under some circumstances.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed obsolete ticks sometimes remaining in the level 2 books.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: The date/time for indicative ticks is now provided by the server, instead of being the time at which the tick arrived.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Updated to a new version of the JMDC.jar library from TeleTrader, which fixes the problem of delayed ticks not being shown at all.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed a disconnection when the server delivered last ticks without a size.


  • EMDAPI: Fixed existing level 2 ticks sometimes not being shown when first subscribing.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Further improvements to the settlement price fallback.
  • Morningstar EMDAPI: Fixed potentially duplicated level 2 entries after Morningstar switches between sending ranked and order-by-order ticks.


  • TeleTrade/Morningstar EMDAPI: Added/improved fallback to the settlement price when a closing price for the previous day is unavailable.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: When switching from L1 to L2, a quote snapshot is now requested again to immediately show full market depth instead of waiting for the first update.
  • TeleTrade EMDAPI: L2 entry timestamps now represent the time the last change of the given rank happened (size, price or MMID) if no tick date is delivery by the feed.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Will now differentiate between L1 and L2 subscriptions by means of server-side filtering.
  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: Account summary rows no longer show a „?“ prefix on cells in the Account column.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed quotes from the plugin potentially stopping.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed strange characters (NaN) appearing as prices in various places.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Ticks with a size of 0 are now delivered to the client – they were previously ignored.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed tick delivery halting under rare conditions.
  • EMDAPI: Fixed existing subscriptions sometimes being lost when logging back in to the client after a log out (through Environment->Log Out or otherwise).
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Indicative („blue“) prices are no longer shown when first receiving a quote snapshot.


  • Trade Stats View: Extra rows can be shown in Trade Stats View or Portfolio View tables containing combined position information for a single instrument across all accounts, a total sum of all instruments and all accounts or both.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: LAST ticks from the previous day will be used as PRE ticks and any ticks from the previous day other than BID, ASK and LAST will be ignored.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Non-live indicative ticks are now ignored
  • EMDAPI: Added de-lotting for CAT and CAV in the TeleTrader and Morningstar plugins
  • Order Check/Order Info: Fixed the stop mode not being shown in some cases when the value for the mode was 0.
  • Worksheets: When attempting to close the last worksheet, a dialog now asks whether the user would like to delete all views in the worksheet instead. Previously a dialog was shown stating only that it was impossible to delete the last worksheet.
  • Net: Improved reporting of errors while retrieving orders, especially in the Order Book View. Previously, some errors would not be shown and/or orders would be shown despite the list not being complete.


  • Order Book View: Orders without associated InstrumentExchange data (generally because a short-lived InstrumentExchange has expired) now show the popup menu with limited functionality instead of not showing it at all.


  • Filters: Items (such as accounts) with underscores (_) in their names are now properly recognised when entered into filter text fields.
  • Account Filter: Fixed restoration of filters in some cases where there were multiple accounts had the same name with different capitalisation.
  • Hotkey Settings: Fixed actions appearing unsorted, and sorting by description resulting in the ordering „Size Button 1“, „Size Button 10“, „Size Button 11“ and so on.


  • Order Line: Send Button: „mit Kosten“ line-breaks are customizable
  • Order Line: Clear Button can be removed


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Updated to the latest JMDC library from TeleTrader (v1.9), adding support for indicative ticks, market phase indication and market depth order counts.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Added TT’s numeric exchange IDs to the permissions list seen in EMDAPI settings.


  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: After long periods without any activity such as incoming quotes, some firewalls would silently sever the connection, preventing any further quotes from reaching the client. A workaround has been added to avoid this.
  • TeleTrader EMDAPI: Fixed „Pre“ not being shown in the client before the trading day started.


  • Events: Fixed some problems with dialog centring, and ensured that dialogs are re-centred on the currently active window if a dialog event occurs and they were previously hidden.
  • Hotkey Settings: Corrected the description of Alt-F4, which stated that the application would exit – instead, the currently active window will close. Also changed references to „internal frame“ to „inner window“ and cleaned up some other hotkey descriptions.
  • API: Fixed the VALIDUNTIL date in OS messages potentially being sent as a day earlier or later than the order’s actual expiry date, depending on the user’s time zone.
  • API: Fixed the VALIDUNTIL date in AO and OC commands potentially being interpreted as a day earlier or later than specified depending on the user’s time zone.
  • Order Check/Grid View: Stop orders created via the Grid View now show the specified order restriction (IOC, FOK, etc.), if any, in confirmation dialogs (if enabled).
  • Quote Sheet View: Fixed exceptions and visual problems when tables that had the splitter pulled down were sorted.
  • Logging: Reduced log output when receiving market data history replies.


  • Added property „tbmx.client.hack.quoteSheet.ieMetaColumns“.
  • Order Line Settings: Fixed new Order Line Styles – including the default, when starting the client without existing settings – sometimes being created without any exchanges activated (instead of all exchanges being activated, as intended).
  • DDE: Updated to ddegate.exe 1.38, which has improved disconnection detection to help avoid the ddegate.exe process from hanging around.
  • DDE: Fixed the use of the deprecated „open“ request interfering with other requests (resulting in #NV in Excel) under certain circumstances.
  • DDE: Added a CURRENCY tag for ticks.


  • Deployment: Added new properties to configure EMDAPI plugin credentials (e.g. for headless clients):
    The first pair of properties applies to TeleTrader, the second pair to Morningstar.
  • EMDAPI: Deselecting the „Enabled“ checkbox in the Market Data Sources Settings now deactivates the plugin immediately instead of requiring a restart.
  • EMDAPI: Reduced log output.


  • EMDAPI: Added support for trading phases.
  • Range Picker: Changed „Second“ to „Seconds“ in the range picker popup’s combo boxes to match the other entries.
  • Net: Disabled the fallback to an experimental HTTP protocol after direct and HTTPS connections failed.


  • EMDAPI: Fixed a bug where tick subscriptions made during settings loading could, under some circumstances, never properly complete.


  • Chart View: Fixed problems when multiple chart views have identical names.


  • EMDAPI: Introduced EMDAPI to add external market data sources.


  • Net: Fixed problems logging in with Java SE 7 from Oracle on Mac OS X.
  • Order Line: Fixed TOP orders being allowed in the „IOC/FOK“ field whenever FOK orders were allowed, instead of only when the exchange is reported to support TOP.
  • Order Book View: Fixed the Strategy field remaining disabled when pressing F2/F3 after an order has been selected.


  • API: An „NPE“ reply is now always sent in response to „NPR“ messages when the user has no positions.
  • DDE: The client now waits for the DDE link process to terminate (and tries to forcibly terminate it if necessary) when the API connection is terminated. This helps to prevent unwanted ddegate.exe processes from being left around.
  • Login Window: Reinstated the stripping of whitespace at the start and end of text pasted into the Login or Password fields. This wasn’t working in 3.6.7.
  • FX Trading/FX Quote Request Views: Changed the behaviour of the currency selectors to choose the system currency (generally EUR) as the default „from“ currency and USD as the default „to“ currency. The first available tenor is now also chosend by default. Also refined the deselection/reselection behaviour when switching to/from currencies that don’t support the previous selections.


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.aboutWin.logDir.enabled“ to control the display of the new GUI elements described below. Defaults to „true“ (the new elements are shown).
  • About Window: Added display of the directory in which log files are currently written. On supported platforms, this is presented as a button which, when clicked, opens a file browser showing that directory. Unfortunately even on „supported“ platforms (such as Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome 3), this action can fail due to Java integration problems.
  • About Window: Small improvements to the layout (spacing around the „Close“ button).
  • Windows: Fixed some rare problems introduced in 3.6.6 where windows would end up smaller than their „minimum size“, causing effects such as components overlapping each other.
  • Option Sheet View: Table rows can now be selected again when clicking on non- click-trading cells.
  • API, General: Filtered out „special“ characters (that could result in malformed network requests) from various GUI and API input fields.
  • General: Added protection against the user entering overly long text into InstrumentExchange pickers, the Quote Sheet View, etc. Previously this could cause the Quote Server to disconnect the client repeatedly.
  • API: If the SEARCH or EXCHANGE field of an InstrumentExchange Search (S) message exceeds its 512 character limit, the field will be truncated to the allowed length and the API client will be sent a warning message.
  • News View: Limited the length of text searches to 512 characters.
  • News View: „Unable to send request“ is now shown in the progress bar when a network error occurs (such as when the server is currently disconnected). The search will automatically retry when a new connection to the server is established.


  • Views: Reduced the width of the Order Line Switch and the Account Filter Override („F“ button).
  • Views: The Filter Picker is no longer shown when only account filtering is possible and the Account Filter Override is active.
  • Views: Period, Filter and Style Pickers can now compress horizontally to reduce the minimum width of some views.


  • View Switcher: View buttons no longer prefix „special text“ with the view name (as introduced in 3.5.36). For example, „Level 2: DTE.XTR“ is now simply „DTE.XTR“ (much like in 3.4.x). Tooltips are now shown, however, and contain the view name as well as any „special text“.
  • Views: Pickers no longer show a prefix to textually indicate their type (e.g. it’s now „MyStyle“ instead of „Style: MyStyle“). These prefixes were introduced in 3.5.41. However, the prefixes are still shown as new tooltips for the pickers.
  • Views: The title bar now tries to compress as much as possible horizontally before it splits into two rows.
  • Settings: The „Please enter a name for the new settings“ dialog opened by Environment|Save… now appears centred on the currently active window. Previously it could be difficult to find, causing users to think that the client had hung.


  • Order Line: In the „Limit“ and „Stop Limit“/“Discr.Limit“/“Trail Offset“/“DynaLimit“ fields, a decimal separator would be ignored unless a number preceded it. E.g. entering „.89“ would leave the text „89“. This is no longer the case.
  • Sounds: Fixed another issue that prevented sounds for events such as a dialog opening from being played.
  • Chart View: Swapped the property panel to the left side.
  • Chart View: Clicking on empty space in the chart no longer pops open the property panel.
  • Views: Removed „Show Order Line“/“Hide Order Line“ text, leaving only the icon (as in 3.4).
  • Views: Removed some dotted separators that could appear unnecessarily in the title bar, especially for users with access to less than two accounts.
  • Views: The view type text (e.g. „Chart“) is now compressed in width before any other components in the title bar. Note that once the title has split into two lines, it may be necessary to resize the view so that it can show all components in a single line as well as the title before it will go back to single line mode – this will be fixed in a future version.


  • Chart View: Reduced the minimum width.
  • Sounds: Since 3.5.40, sounds played during certain events such as a dialog opening were accidentally disabled. These are now enabled again.
  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.positions.useBidAskRef“. When set to true, bid or ask ticks (depending on whether long or short) are used as the reference price when newer than the „last“ tick. Defaults to true (the behaviour introduced in 3.4.24).
  • API: Since 3.5.26, empty PHASE tags were sent with tick messages during normal trading (depending on the exchange). These are no longer sent.
  • Quote Sheet Settings: Fixed the „Show inactive orders in level 2“ option always being enabled after starting the client or restoring settings, regardless of what settings were saved.
  • Quote Sheet View, Level 2 View: Fixed own orders not being updated (including newly created orders not being shown, terminated orders not being removed) until new quotes arrived for the related InstrumentExchange.


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.testWarning.text“. This determines the text shown in the Login Window for test versions. Defaults to:
    „WARNING: Test version“.
  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.testWarning.enabled“. When set to true, causes the text above to be shown; when set to false, prohibits it from being shown. Defaults to true if „tbmx.client.acceptedUsers“ is specified, otherwise defaults to false.


    (Revision bump)


  • Order Check: Added a cross-check between multiple orders when they are activated simultaneously using the Order Book View button.
  • Option Sheet View: „mit Kosten“ is no longer shown in tooltips if no click trading actions are enabled.
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips in Quote Sheet, Option Sheet and Level 2 Views: These are now always shown if confirmation is set to „Never“ for any action configured in the Click Trading Settings. Conversely, they’re not shown if all actions have confirmation set to „Always“.
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips in Grid View: These are now always shown if „Confirm clicks in Grid View“ is set to „never“ in Price Check Settings. They’re no longer shown if the option is set to „always“.


  • Headless Mode: Fixed an exception preventing login when connecting to newer Login servers.
  • DDE: Updated to ddegate.exe 1.36, which allows „withcosts.true“ as well as „withcosts.yes“ and fixes a potential crash introduced in 1.33.
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips: The text now properly shows only enabled and relevant click trading actions.
  • Grid, FX Trading View: Added „(mit Kosten)“ to position closing/switching buttons (Full, Half, Switch).


  • Click Trading Watermark: Removed from the Quote Sheet, Option Sheet and Level 2 Views. It’s now only in the Grid View.
  • Order Menu: Removed „(mit Kosten)“ from order change menu items (it’s now only shown on order creation menu items, as originally intended).
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips: Shortened the text so that the „mit Kosten“ part is more obvious.
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips: No longer shown in Quote Sheet, Option Sheet and Level 2 Views when no „immediate order creation“ functions are enabled in the Click Trading Settings.
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips: No longer shown when „Confirm when creating or changing orders“ is set to „always“ in the Price Check Settings.
  • Order Line: The send button (Buy, Sell, Change or Cancel depending on mode) now contains the text „„. Pressing enter on the keyboard anywhere in the Order Line is now once again equivalent to pressing the button.


  • Click Trading Watermark: Switched to a standard logical font, reduced the size and removed the „shadow“. Disabled rendering of all watermarks while dragging a column, since they could overlap the dragged column.
  • Click Trading „mit Kosten“ Tooltips: Fixed the tooltips failing to update when scrolling, and going away when clicking.
  • Option Sheet View: Added Click Trading watermark and tooltips.
  • Level 2 View: Added Click Trading watermark and tooltips.
  • Quote Request View: Added „mit Kosten“ text to order creation button.
  • Grid View: Added additional order information to the „mit Kosten“ tooltip.
  • DDE: Updated to ddegate.exe 1.33, which adds support for a „withcosts“ flag.


  • Tooltips: Fixed some tooltips having incorrect timeouts and delays when certain Views were active.
  • Desktop Settings: Added a simple „Show panic button in toolbar“ checkbox to restore this missing functionality now that the full toolbar configuration has been disabled (as of 3.5.46).


  • Settings: Fixed a bug in the migration of order state filters from older version of the client causing all states to become selected.


  • Cash View: Fixed strange empty boxes being shown for accounts with no cash (bug introduced in 3.5.56).


  • Portfolio/Cash Views: Reinstated display of the total sum (missing since 3.5.53).


  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: Fixed the wrong exchange sometimes being used for lookups when no reference exchange was specified (bug introduced in 3.5.53).


  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: Fixed some lookups failing, and some information therefore being missing (bug introduced in 3.5.53).


  • Portfolio View: „Due P&L“ is now calculated correctly.
  • Portfolio View: Fixed a bug in the summary panel that caused memory use to grow over time and GUI updates to become increasingly slow.


  • Position Adjustment View: Fixed an exception preventing position adjustments from being created that was introduced in 3.5.51.
  • Account Picker: Now left-aligned when not being edited.
  • Account Picker: No longer marks its contents as selected after editing.


  • Deployment: Added property „“. If specified and non- empty, the API socket will listen only on the specified host. Defaults to unspecified (listens on all hosts).
  • Deployment: Added boolean property “tbmx.client.api.allowLogin”. Defaults to „false“. When set to „true“, the API supports new „LOGIN“ and „LOGOUT“ commands. Additionally, it constantly listens for connections, instead of only while logged in. The LOGIN command requires plain-text USER and PASSWORD tags.
  • API: Clients requesting version 2.21+ now receive „LOGIN“ messages (with a „USER“ tag) when the client logs in and tagless „LOGOUT“ messages when the client logs out.
  • View Switcher: Views can now be dropped to the right of the rightmost view button in order to move/clone them to the last position.
  • View Switcher: Views can no longer be dropped onto other desktops (this was not working correctly).
  • Quote Sheet View: Fixed the size field no longer being selected when clicking on a click-trading column (problem introduced in 3.5.x).
  • Quote Sheet View: Added proper DDE/RTD links for cells in „Last(Trade)“ and „Ind.“ columns.
  • Order Line: When leaving a text field that requires absolute/relative values (such as „IfDone Profit“), when neither „R“ nor „A“ has been explicitly specified, the user is now asked immediately whether the value should be absolute or relative if this could not be guessed.
  • Order Line: Absolute/relative fields now always try to show whether the value is currently considered absolute or relative.


    === (Skin updates only)


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.portfolio.showTotalSum“. When set to true, a „“ row will appear in non-empty Portfolio Views. This represents the combined position information of all accounts. Default: false.
  • Equity Borrowing View: The status would remain „Borrowed“ instead of „Returned“ if a loan that was smaller than initially requested was fully returned. Fixed.
  • Chart View: The chart parameter panel now includes a combo box for selecting the chart element to edit.
  • Chart View: The chart parameter panel is now separated from the main chart by a draggable splitter.
  • Chart View: The chart parameter panel now has a „Delete“ button to remove the selected chart element (when possible).
  • Chart View: Many more improvements to chart parameter editing.
  • Chart View: Disabled the ability to edit plot background colours (implemented in 3.5.3) for the coming release.
  • DDE: Updated to ddegate.exe 1.32, which adds links for last trade (LASTTRADE, LASTTRADESIZE, LASTTRADETIME) and indicative ticks (IND, INDSIZE, INDTIME).


  • API: Wherever a PRICECHECK tag can be used, the value can now be set to ALWAYS to instruct the client to always show a dialog to confirm the order creation or change.
  • Chart View: Disabled the ability to share sets of indicators between views (implemented in 3.5.0) for the coming release.
  • Desktop/Worksheets: Redesigned „Close tab“ icons to be smaller.
  • General: Fixed a potential network deadlock with the Quote Server. This could most easily be triggered when retrieving a massive amount of data for a multi-account Portfolio View.
  • Combo Boxes: The text colour now dynamically switches to white when the background is too dark for black to be easily visible.
  • Portfolio View: Settings saved by versions older than 3.5.45 – before the multi-account support was added – would be previously be restored with the „account filter override“ („F“ button) deselected. They’re now loaded with it selected.
  • Desktop Settings: Re-enabled, but only with the „worksheet tab extensions“ and „Show toolbar items as icon/text“ options.


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.ddeLink.enabled“. If set to „false“, disables running the DDE link used for (e.g.) Excel integration. Defaults to „true“.
  • Desktop/Worksheets: „Close tab“ and „Create tab“ icons are now skinnable images.
  • Desktop/Worksheets: The „New Worksheet“ menu item is now always present in the context menu of the tab area.
  • Equity Borrowing View: Slightly improved the tooltip for returns.
  • Styles: Fonts can now be set to any point size instead of one of a fixed set of options.
  • Desktop Settings: Added an option to show toolbar items as icons only, text only or both icons and text.
  • Desktop Settings: Renamed „PanicButton“ to „Cancel All Orders“ in the toolbar configuration.
  • Desktop Settings: Improved UI text related to the clock.
  • Chart View: Removed the toolbar-button option for tools for the coming release.
  • Chart View: Removed the „full-screen“ (F11) functionality for the coming release.
  • Chart View: Removed the „Parabolics SAR“ indicator for the coming release.
  • Chart View: Improved the choice of time axis label frequency (e.g. every 3 hours, every 6 hours, every 12 hours) to prevent axis lines from jumping around confusingly when zooming or resizing.
  • Chart View: Changed the default candlestick colours for most skins.
  • Chart View: Improved „Multi tool“ zoom behaviour.
  • Chart View: Optimised the rendering of drawing tools (e.g. Rectangle, Fibonacci Fan).
  • Chart View: Made Rectangle and Ellipse more transparent.
  • Chart View: Scrolling can now be initiated when over an item, not just on the background.
  • Chart View: Various improvements to the interaction of selection, dragging and showing/hiding the property panel.
  • Chart View: Improved the description of tools when shown in the property panel (e.g. „Fibonacci Arc“ instead of „Fibonacciarc“).
  • Chart View: Removed the ability to name tools that was introduced in 3.4.
  • Combo Boxes: Minor tweaks to improve appearance and layout for most skins.
  • Environment Restore Window: Made various small improvements to selection and feedback.
  • General: In various places such as the Grid View Order Info, a „Fills: 0@0.00“ line is no longer shown for orders with no fills.
  • Desktop Settings: Removed the useless „Order Information View“ toolbar button.
  • Desktop Settings: Disabled for the coming release.


  • Portfolio View: Multiple accounts can now be shown at the same time.
  • Portfolio View: The summary panel no longer shows the margin if it’s 0.0.
  • Portfolio View: Split „Portfolio“ in the summary panel into „Portfolio Short“ and „Portfolio Long“.


  • Merge: 3.4.45.
  • Deployment: Split ddegate.exe into a new ddegate.jar that must be included in JNLPs if required.
  • Search View: Added a Style.
  • Search View: Made the score human-readable in CSV export again (broken since ca. 3.5.4).
  • Settings: Made the behaviour and availability of Add/Copy functionality in Events, Filters and Styles settings more consistent.
  • Settings: The tree in the Event Settings is now sorted.
  • General: Own-orders are now shown for quotes that have mark-up applied.
  • General: Prepared for „atomic ticks“.


  • Merge: 3.4.42.
  • Skin updates.
  • Order Line: Began adding support for negative limits (for double-leg orders).


  • Filters: The Exchange Filter now allows filtering by exchanges that the user doesn’t have trading permission for.
  • Views/Worksheets: Dragging a view button from the View Switcher to the „+“ tab (or the empty space to the right) will offer to create a new worksheet for that view.
  • Order Info: Improved presentation of FX Quote Requests, including showing executions with sizes of both of the currencies involved.
  • General: Decreased permgen requirements, especially when many orders are accessed.


  • Views: Pickers now show their selection in the form „Filter: „, „Style: MyStyle“, etc.
  • Tables: Changed text of „From Style“ menu item to „Use Column Layout From Style“.
  • Portfolio View: The summary panel no longer loses its styling after an account change.
  • Portfolio View: Renamed „Depot“ to „Portfolio“ in the summary panel.
  • Portfolio View: The summary panel now shows „Due P&L“, which is the sum of P&L values for all differential contracts shown in the table, and „Margin“, which is (as you might imagine) the sum of all margins shown in the table.
  • Portfolio/Quote Sheet Views: Where position-related values could not be calculated, a questions mark (?) is now shown instead of the value being empty. The Net Val for differential contracts is now shown as 0 instead of empty.
  • Portfolio/Cash Views: Cash is no longer shown for currencies where the balance is 0.
  • Views: Views can now be cloned by dragging their View Switcher buttons and holding the Control key while dropping.
  • Views: The Order Line Switch’s new text can now compress until only the icon is visible to prevent increasing the minimum width of the View.
  • Views: Views with no „special text“ to show in the View Switcher no longer have a colon (:) after their name there.
  • Account Messages View: Removed some internal borders and improved splitter behaviour (such as adding buttons to snap up or down).
  • Filters: Removed filters that only allow account filtering when the user has access to less than two accounts. This is not entirely complete: These filters are still visible in the Filter Settings tree, although their configuration area is empty, and the account filtering part of filters that allow filtering by other criteria is now just empty space.


  • Hotkey Settings: Assigned „Show Manual“ hotkey will be saved correctly now.
  • Order Line Switch: Added „Show Order Line“/“Hide Order Line“ text (depending on whether the Order Line is currently shown) as a possibly-temporary attempt to make the switch clearer.
  • Order Line: InstrumentExchanges can now be dragged and dropped from many areas of the client to set the Symbol and Exchange fields.
  • Views: The quote sheet, filter, style and indicator model pickers now show their type for new and (if relevant) default selections – e.g. „“ or „„.
  • Views: Views with an InstrumentExchange Picker can now have an InstrumentExchange dragged and dropped almost anywhere in the view to set the view to that InstrumentExchange. Previously the drop was only possible directly into the InstrumentExchange Picker itself.
  • Click Trading: The dialog shown when attempting to perform an operation where essential Size Group information is missing now offers a button to go directly to the Size Group Settings.
  • InstrumentExchange Picker: Changed the drag handle from a circle to a dotted grid and removed the Colour Group menu.


  • Account Messages View: Renamed „Text“ column to „Headline“.
  • View Switcher: View buttons can now be re-ordered in the switcher using drag and drop. Their order is saved and restored.
  • Quote Sheet View: Avoid unpredictable switching from one- to two-rows orderline, when changing the symbol or the buySellType. (May increase the minimum width of the exchange combobox and the send button a bit.)
  • Order Book View: Added a menu item to copy order information for multiple selected orders to the clipboard.
  • Login Window: It is no longer possible to send a login request with an empty „Login“ or „Password“ field.
  • API: Fix cases where two orders entered at the same time via two different API connections, both without an EXTERNID could receive the same generated EXTERNID, resulting in the rejection of one of the orders.


  • Views: Special title text is now shown again in the View Switcher.
  • API: Made fields to be received as part of Order List (OL) replies configurable via APIFORMAT. The added APIFORMAT flag is „OL“. Valid values are: ALL or ISIN, SYMBOL, EXCHANGE, MSPID, CURRENCY, BUYSELL, ACCOUNT, FILLTYPE, IFDONE (multiple: comma separated).
  • API: Added COUNT flag to L2-T-messages, that contains bid-/ask-count for the certain rank.


  • Quote Sheet View: Fixed own-orders always being shown only for the account in the Account Picker, even when the account filter override („F“ button) was deselected. The problem was introduced in 3.5.26.


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.mspidName“. The string specified is used instead of the default „MSPID“ in column headers.
  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.mspidPreferred“. If set to „true“, the MSPID is used instead of the symbol wherever possible throughout the client.
  • Order Check: The MSPID and ISIN are now shown in Price Check and Comment Check warnings.
  • Order Entry: Improved separator handling and general price entering of IfDone-/OCO Stop fields to feel more like limit-price fields.
  • Order Entry: OrderStrategyExecutionStyle combobox shows „Normal“ now, if no explicit style is selected.
  • Order Entry: Added grouping separators to the size in the price check dialog.
  • Order Entry: DynaLimit minBeatSize is now always shown when selecting an order with dynaLimit. Not only when switch selection between dynaLimit orders.
  • Order Entry: Removed unnecessary rounding to 4 decimal digits from the limit field. Limit field rounds now to 6 decimal digits (like every where else in the client).
  • Search View: Grouped entries now show a comma-separated list of their children’s symbols instead of just the top one.
  • Search View: The comma-separated list of MSPIDs in group entries now only shows unique MSPIDs.
  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: Added „MSPID“ column. MSPIDs for orders older than today are not currently shown in the Portfolio View.
  • Order Info: MSPID and ISIN now shown.
  • Views: Title text (e.g. „Order Book“) is now shown in all views. Special text showing the current range, filter, etc. in the View Switcher is temporarily disabled.


  • Quote Sheet View: Improved „Add Column“ dialog layout and functionality.


  • Merge: 3.4.32
  • API: Clients requesting version 2.20+ now receive „IND“ (indicative) ticks separately from „LAST“ ticks (which are now only actual trades).
  • API: Instead of resending the previous LAST tick when a „day total size“ update is received, clients requesting version 2.20+ are now sent a new „VOLUME“ tick with only the „VOLUME“ flag set.
  • API: Allow entry of TOP (Top of Book) orders.
  • Event Settings: Added substitution ${event_name} for all events, to get the event definition name.
  • General: Splitted the „Export table to CSV“ MenuItem. Now the user can choose between auto and custom separator selection for the export. First one uses a field separator depending on the default locale.
  • General: Used StringPools instead of String.intern() to get canonical representations of intern()ed/pooled strings.
  • General: Simple views and windows like the OrderInfo-View, About-Window, ChangePassword-Window, Licence-Window, CVSConfig-Dialog, HotkeyEditing-Dialog EditColumns-Dialog and PropertyCellEditor-Dialogs are now close able by hitting the ESC-Key.
  • Hotkey Settings: Fixed that the offset wasn’t stored when the field losing the focus by selecting another hotkey definition. The reloaded value format is now depending on the locale.
  • Hotkey Settings: Enabled grouping separators for size and offset field (when unfocused).
  • Hotkey Settings: The offset field is now only accepting valid characters.
  • Hotkey Settings: Added range checks to offset field, so it isn’t anymore possible to enter „infinite“ offsets. Hotkey triggered orders with size = 0 won’t be send. Instead of this a dialog with the hint „Order size is 0.“ will be shown.
  • Option Sheet View: Added an „Option scheme“ filter to show only American or European options.
  • Style/Filter/Events: Confirming the same name, after renaming, won’t show the dialog „the name already exists“ anymore.
  • Equity Borrowing View: A better attempt is now made to show the current status of loans/returns when the responses from the issuer are malformed.
  • Position Panel: It’s no more possible to send multiple switch/close-half orders by fast clicking the „Close Position“ buttons.
  • Settings: Renamed the color selection labels (New/Old to Fresh/Stale) in event settings editor and added a tooltip for more clarity.
  • Order Entry: Grouping separator will always be converted to decimal separator in limit fields.
  • Order Entry: Added a „Price Check Settings“-button to hard limit rejection dialogs.
  • Order Entry: Allow entry of TOP (Top of Book) orders.
  • Other UI / Framework: The info panel (this „i“-button in some views title) doesn’t increase the views minimum size anymore. Long info texts will be wrapped to the next line.
  • Exchanges View: Show whether the exchange is capable of TOP (Top of Book) orders


  • Event Settings: The long text field will now fill vertical space. In case of QuoteEvents, the space for conditions and actions (also long text) is splitted 50/50.
  • Style/Filter: Enabled overwriting styles/filters on saving.
  • General: Filter-, Style-, Event- and Worksheet names have to be unique now.
  • Settings: Fixed loading click trading restrictions.
  • Trades View: The grouping margin no longer appears without the combinedTrades property set.
  • Trades View: Added an „OrderExtID“ column showing the external ID of the associated order.
  • Trades View: Added default style for combined trades.
  • Trades View: Removed unnecessary „Uncombined Trades“ Style. That also fixes that users couldn’t change normal trade column styles.
  • Cash/Grid/News Views: Fixed Styles not always being correctly applied.


  • Merge: 3.4.29
  • Search View: Now sorts by score by default.
  • Trades View: Price summaries for combined trades no longer incorporate the price factor.


  • Deployment: Fixed errors opening the FX Trading View with the new „tbmx.client.fxtrade.useTodayPos“ property set to true.


  • Merge: 3.4.27
  • Deployment: Added boolean property „tbmx.client.fxtrade.useTodayPos“. When true, the position used for calculating IfDone opening, exit buttons and display is equivalent to the appropriate currency row from a Trade Stats View with range „Today“. If false (the default), portfolio is used.
  • Trades View: Improved sorting when many trades are selected.
  • Trades View: Added „Currency Spot“ column.
  • Trades View: Added a menu item to the tables popup menu to copy cell content to the clipboard.
  • Order Info View: Reintroduced automatically switching to plain text, if the info text becomes to long. (removed with 3.5.13)
  • Order Info View: (FX-)Quote Request flags will be parsed now and converted to localised text.
  • Level 2 View: Added Ask/Bid prefixes to column header.
  • Order Book View: Added a menu item to the tables popup menu to copy cell content to the clipboard.
  • Style Picker: Added „delete“ support for the Style Picker.
  • Login Window: Show „CAPS LOCK?“ in the password field, if CAPS LOCK is on.
  • API: Add the ability to send an order timestamp in field OTS, for staleness checking.
  • API: Add a FATAL=YES tag to all echo messages that precede a disconnect. Also ensure that all such messages end in „disconnecting…“
  • Chart View: Improved zoom for devices with high-resolution mouse wheels.


  • Hotkeys: Added Hotkeys for combine/decombine trades in the Trades View.
  • Deployment: Added a boolean property „tbmx.client.combinedTrades.enabled“ to enable combined trades in Trades View. Combined trades are disabled by default now.


  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: When available, the symbol of the Instrument on the current Reference Exchange is now shown in the Symbol column if no other symbols are available. Previously the ISIN would be shown.
  • Quote Sheet View: Added a tooltip to the „P&L“-column header that shows a sum of all values in the column.
  • General: The User will be asked each time for field- and text-delimiter for a CSV-Export from a GeneralTable.


  • Trades View: Added the currency to the combination criterions, so now trades are combinable by ISIN, type(buy/sell) and currency.
  • Trades View: Changed summaries of Symbol, MSPID, Exchange, Account, User and RIC to comma separated values, if there are different values within a combination.
  • Trades View: Format the price- and size-summary (over all selected trades) in the status bar.
  • FX Trading/FX Quote Request Views: Fixed synchronisation issues between InstrumentExchange pickers, CC pickers and portfolio display currency.


  • Order Entry: Made the auto-correcting functionality (decimal separator vs. grouping separator) of limit and ifDone fields more consistent.
  • Trades View: Enabled different styles for combined and uncombined trades.
  • Trades view: Double LMB on a combined trade toggles expand state.


  • Grid View: The order info panel now uses always the full available width and doesn’t sometimes cut off the text at the bottom anymore.
  • Desktops/Worksheets: Added „X“-button on each tab to close a worksheet.
  • Desktops/Worksheets: Added inline title editing, starts with double clicking.
  • Desktops/Worksheets: Added „+“-tab to create new worksheets. Double clicking on empty space in the TabbedPane also creates new worksheets.
  • Desktop Settings: Added the possibility to disable the new TabbedPane extensions (X-/ and +-button).
  • Other UI / Framework: Enabled hover effect on TabbedPanes.
  • Other UI / Framework: Stopped desktops minimum height was growing on adding worksheets.
  • Search View: Extended the search field width in the titlebar.
  • Views: The filter and style pickers are right aligned in the tiltebar (since 3.5.19 they were left aligned)
  • Click Trading: Added a functionality to fill the OEP with the -via middle mouse button- clicked own order in a non-cum column, to enable changing it.
  • Level 2 View: Fixed that the style picker doesn’t change the shown item when another style was selected.
  • Style Settings, Filter Settings: The settings trees are now sorted.
  • Filter/Style/Quote Sheet/Indicator Pickers: Entries are now sorted.
  • Desktop Settings: Only available views can be configured.
  • Trades View: Trades on the same buy/sell side and with the same instrument, currency and account can now be „combined“ into a single summary row. This feature is currently disabled unless the „tbmx.client.combinedTrades.enabled“ property is set to „true“.


  • Grid View: Fixed the price column in the ladder sometimes being too small for the price since 3.5.19.
  • Grid View: Reverted the price column width change when last size is enabled from 3.5.19.


  • Merge: 3.4.13
  • Views: The Style and Filter Pickers now move to a separate row in the Title Bar when necessary, reducing the minimum width of some Views.
  • Grid View: Added triangle indicator for average bid/ask to the ladder.
  • Grid View: Increased the width of the price column when last size display is enabled, reducing price/size overlaps.


  • Position Panel: Added unrealized P&L (affect Grid View and FX View), also if instrumentExchange is FX, the shown P&L will be converted to the quote currency.


  • Quote Sheet: The OEP doesn’t lose the focus on API „AQ“ sends.
  • Order Book: Clicking quickly on two different rows is no longer interpreted as a double-click on the second row anymore. Improved the 3.5.13 fix for.
  • Chart View: Enabled MultiTool zoom-out in more then just one step.
  • Range Picker: All popups and sub-popups will be closed, if the corresponding view is closed.
  • Order Entry: The order manipulation menu is now showing prices if the limit of the order is „Market“.
  • Order Entry: Allow 6 fraction digits instead 4 for limit/limit2/ifDone/OCO.


  • Merge: 3.4.12
  • Account Picker: Don’t select the first account anymore on focus lost to another application.
  • Search View: Right-click selects a row, if it wasn’t already selected.
  • Search View: Enabled row sorting.
  • Search View: Renamed „ID“ column to „MSPID“.
  • Search View: Individual scores are now shown for children of a grouped entry.
  • Search View: Grouped entries now show a comma-separated list of RICs and MSPIDs of their children instead of just the top one.
  • Range Picker: Its tooltip will now be generated each time it’s shown and not just set if the range was set, so over days opened clients show always the right range string.
  • Range Picker: Improved the Date Picker GUI.
  • Grid View Settings: Changed labels „Stop-Order*“ to „Stop-Market-Order*“ for clarity.
  • Grid View: Enabled to enter OCO Stop orders.
  • Grid View: Enabled to enter order with restrictions like IOC/FOK.
  • Order Entry Panel: Reverted a change from 3.5.6 that affects: Limit field is now updating on „Beat“, „Join“, „Match“; Price/Size/Activation changes via Mouse should be reflected by OrderEntryPanel; Order should not be (de)activated after changing it.
  • Order Entry Panel: Show „Need absolute OCO-Stop“-Message, if one try to send Market-Order with relative ocoStop value. Send will be abort.
  • Other UI / Framework: Disabled HTML in the desktop tab pane title, if the used java version is < 1.6.0_18, to workaround Java BugID 6670274.
  • Chart View: The range picker „To:“-value is always set to „now“.
  • Chart View: Removed the „Own order“ functionality.


  • Merge: 3.4.9
  • Deployment: Web View now requires explicit enabling.
  • Tables: Fixed problems with drag &amp; drop in the Quote Sheet View and elsewhere (the problems first appeared in 3.5.11).
  • Events: Quote event table now supports drag and drop as the quote View table does.
  • Events: Disabled L2-arrows in the symbol column of the quote event table.
  • Substitutions: Enabled string formatting: ${varname|11} will produce a string with at least 11 characters, right-justified, with spaces potentially used for padding). ${varname|-11} will produce the same but left-justified. The maximum number of characters can be specified after a dot, in the form ${varname|11.12} – the default is to have no maximum.
  • Quote Sheet: DDE links are now copied with an additional ;1, requesting that the value be interpreted as a number in en_US format.
  • Order Line: The dialog to choose between relative and absolute (when unspecified) for IfDone and OCO Stop fields is now shown when the InstrumentExchange has no last tick.
  • Order Entry: Made sizes and prices in the order menu scrollable.
  • Settings: Made SizeGroups table sortable.


  • Merge: 3.4.7
  • Events: Changed the status tape divider again to a Unicode bullet.
  • Hotkey Settings: No longer shows hotkeys for Views that are unavailable to the user.
  • Ticker: Mouse clicks on ticker entries can now execute actions. At the moment Execution and Order Change Events can open Order Info Views.
  • Account Picker: Now always selects the first account in the drop down list.
  • Settings: OrderInfo views will be saved within the settings.
  • Quote Sheet View: The flood warning is now based on the number of InstrumentExchanges selected instead of the number of rows.
  • Option Sheet View: Respects Price Check Settings now.
  • Option Sheet View: Respects Size Groups now.
  • Grid View: The middle panel now resizes automatically to adjust to large numbers in the Quick Size Picker.
  • Export Data: Substitutions are now hierarchical.
  • Exchanges View: Enabled copying of the selected text to clipboard.
  • Order Info View: Enabled line break.
  • Order Info View: Order Info Views opened from detached Order Book Views will now themselves be detached.
  • Order Book: Clicking quickly on two different rows is no longer interpreted as a double-click on the second row anymore.
  • Level 2 View: Enabled click-trading.
  • General: Right-click on the empty background of worksheets now shows a „create new view“ menu.
  • Order Info View: IfDone limits are now shown separate from flags and with localised number formatting.
  • Hotkey Settings: Hotkeys can no longer be assigned with only the Alt modifier to prevent confusion with the menu mnemonics.
  • Other UI / Framework: Enabled focus highlighting for check boxes, radio buttons and the grid history.
  • Substitutions: The tree of available substitutions in the tooltip now look better.
  • News View: Body fonts are now changeable via Styles.
  • Cash View / Portfolio View: Added the possibility to change the formatting of Cash-, Depot- and Total-values via styles.
  • Style Settings: The style types are now listed alphabetically in the tree.
  • Styles: The styles for filled buy- and filled sell-orders in the Order Book View are now separately configurable.
  • Grid View: Added the possibility to change the ladder font via General Settings->Styles->Grid View.
  • Order Info View: Now shows the order ID in the title while searching for the order.
  • Order Info View: Now stops the progress bar if the requested order can’t be found.
  • Range Picker: Range pickers in all views have been replaced by the „advanced“ range picker, which now has a user-configurable list of preset ranges to choose from.
  • Range Picker: Added a label with the exact date and time to the open Range Picker panel. Also added a tooltip to the range picker popup button that shows the exact date and time of the current range.
  • Range Picker: Added a „~“ character to relative ranges such as „~ 1 Year back“ where the description is ambiguous.
  • API/Events/Views Settings: „Account:“ labels no longer appear when there is no account picker visible (e.g. when the user only has access to one account)
  • API: The correct number formatter is now used for sending historical ticks.


  • Merge: 3.3.124
  • General: The color chooser dialog looks now more integrated.
  • General: Enabled Drag&amp;Drop for desktop toolbar components.
  • General Settings: Removed „Enable Panic Button“ option from Price Check settings. Panic Button is now activatable via Desktop Settings.
  • Other UI / Framework: ThingPicker (this actually affects FilterPicker, StylePicker, QuoteSheetPicker and such) will become scrollable if there are too many items listed.
  • Other UI / Framework: Enabled ThingPicker list quick navigation, e.g. pressing „X“ -> iterate over all list entries starting with „X“.


  • Merge: 3.3.108
  • Hotkeys: Environment hotkeys now also work on detached Views.
  • Order Entry: Added a short summary of the order (including the InstrumentExchange) to the order information window and state tooltip.
  • API: If SECONDARYSIZE is specified in an AO message, check that PRIMARYSIZE isn’t also specified, killing the connection if it is.
  • General Settings: Added a new tab „Desktop“.
  • Desktop Settings: The desktop toolbar is now fully configurable through the settings.
  • Desktop Settings: Added a „Clock“-component to the toolbar components.
  • API: More finely differentiate logging levels to give better control over what is logged.


  • Deployment: Removed Sun’s signing of jh.jar (this caused problems with some versions of Java Web Start).


  • Deployment: jh.jar is now required.
  • Hotkey Settings: Double-clicking a hotkey in the table now focuses the change-binding field.
  • Hotkey Settings: Show Manual is hotkeyable if it’s available. The default key binding is F1.


  • Hotkey Settings: Now manages hotkeys for „Show Order Line“, „Open General Settings“, opening new views of any type, and the Order Line hotkeys (F2, F3, F4 and F9 by default).
  • Hotkey Settings: Now lists unchangeable hotkeys such as CTRL-F4 to close internal frames, CTRL-F10 to maximize internal frames, and so on.
  • Hotkey Settings: Now prevents conflicting hotkey bindings.
  • Hotkey Settings: Now only shows relevant information for Order Action hotkeys in the description column.
  • Views: The Order Line Switch button in the title bar now always indicates the Order Lien’s current visibility state.
  • Environment Restore Window: Enabled multiple row deletions (when supported by the Login Server).
  • Chart View: The horizontal scrollbar is now only visible when necessary (i.e. when zoomed in).
  • Chart View: The chart background is now the same as the standardBackground to look more integrated.
  • Views: The account filter override button („F“) in the title bar is no longer visible when there is only one account.
  • Style-/Filter Settings: The Rename and Remove buttons are now disabled when no item is selected.
  • Other UI / Framework: The tree in Filter-, Style- and Events-Settings now has a context menu to add, rename and remove nodes.
  • Settings: Added currency explanation to Price Check->Click Trading fields.
  • Events: Changed the status tape divider to a more distinguishable one (##).
  • Loans View: Added a work-in-progress Loans View for testing. Not yet functional, and disabled by default.


  • Style Settings: Removed unused „Last Compact“-column from Time&amp;Sales.
  • Time & Sales View: Column order & visibility will not longer be reseted after client restarting.
  • Views: Added a flood warning dialog when (accidentally) attempting to open more then 5 new views by select the „Order information…“ menu entry in the order book or one of the „open in a new view“ menu entrys in the quotesheet with more then 5 selected rows in the table.
  • Style Picker: After removing a style, the style picker selects another style.
  • Style-/Filter Settings: It’s not possible to select more then one node tree.
  • Account Messages: The row selection will not getting lost anymore on receiving new account messages.
  • Order Entry Panel: Allowed $-sign in symbol field.
  • Order Entry Panel: The „More“-button works now on first click in each view.
  • Order Entry Panel: Limit field is now updating on „Beat“, „Join“, „Match“.
  • Order Entry Panel: Order won’t be (de-)activate mistakenly, automatically after changing.
  • Portfolio/Cash Views: Fixed cash entries disappearing after environment restore.
  • Order Hotkeys: Trying to change, cancel, activate or deactivate multiple orders by using a hotkey, shows not longer the message „No orders selected“, but that’s just not possible to update multiple orders by hotkey.
  • Order Book: The order count is now splitted in active and inactive.
  • Trade Stats: No more negative zero (-0.0).
  • Grid View/FX Trading View: IfDone checkboxes will now be grayed, if there wont be an IfDone part.
  • Other UI / Framework: Draged sources (e.g. QuoteSheet rows) will not more „fall through“ views and components.
  • Events Settings: Substitutions in long- and short message textfields are now insertable via popupmenu. The popupmenu is triggered by right-mousebutton, CTRL+Space and the contextmenu key on some keyboards.
  • Events View: The separator between the table and the description field is now splited 50:50 after resizing.
  • Default Skin: Added Events icon.
  • Hotkeys: Changed hotkey handling. Predefined hotkeys can now be assigned by user through General Settings->Hotkeys.
  • Hotkeys: Grid view recentring functions and the size buttons from the QuickSizePicker, were added to the central hotkey manager.


  • Event Settings: Removed the unecassary sound source „None“ from „Play Sound“ event action.


  • Merge: 3.3.98
  • Grid View Settings: The Grid View action-triggers additional key could now be ALT (also in combination with CTRL and SHIFT).
  • Grid View: IfDone values are no longer ignored when creating stop orders.
  • Grid View: Now there is a button to switch position. So if the position is -10 and the button is pressed, an order with size +20 will be placed.
  • Grid View: The order size is now shown as tooltip on the cancel buttons.
  • Chart View: Added „Parabolics SAR“ indicator.
  • Chart View: Dot chart show the tooltip.
  • Chart View: Add possibility of changing the dot chart color from the chart property panel.
  • Chart View: Fixed the flickering when opening ‚Open orders‘.
  • Chart View: Get the correct mouse coordinates, when the open orders panel is appeared.
  • Chart View: The chart now automatically zooms out when the time range is changed.
  • FX Trade View: Uses the Quick Size Picker now and adapt the design of the other controls from the Grid View, so the controls look consistent now.
  • Chart View: Chart tools can now optionally be shown as toolbar buttons instead of a drop-down list. This is configurable via the configuration panel’s context menu.
  • Quick Size Picker: The context menu lists now the sizes of all other Quick Size Pickers, so it’s easier to transfer the sizes between the Pickers.
  • Quick Size Picker: Initial ifDone offsets will be set to 10 * lastPrice_PriceStep_forInstrumentExchange and will be recalculated on each InstrumentExchange change.
  • FX Trading Setting: Added the possibility to setup ifDone order creation mode to „always“ or „opening positions only“:
  • Chart View: The View can be „full-screened“ by pressing the F11 key.
  • Chart View: Improved, but didn’t fix, „Time axis sometimes renders overlapping text“.
  • Login Window: Select the whole text in text fields on focus gained.
  • Chart View: On the date axis, don’t show the date for every marker, only when the date changes.
  • Chart View: Fixed price axis being shown with too many decimals after zoom.
  • Chart View: The chart is now automatically zoomed out after changing the InstrumentExchange.
  • Chart View: The zoom in amount is now limited so that at least one complete candle can be seen.
  • Desktops/Worksheets: Added a view counter to the worksheet tabs.
  • Desktops/Worksheets: Confirmation is no longer required to delete a worksheet that has no views.
  • Desktops/Worksheets: Bring all detached views to the front, when a worksheet is selected.
  • Search View: Added possibility to select symbol for just one market.
  • Search View: Added exchanges filter.
  • Search View: Made instrument type filter a tree.
  • Price Check Settings: Fixed that „only if opening position“ check box remains always enable.


  • Quick Size Picker: The user can now edit the size picker values, assign hotkeys to each size button, quickly reset the size (by using multipliers from SizeGroups, user history and by default multipliers) and add/subtract the button’s configured size to/from the current size by holding shift/control during the button action.
  • Grid View: Now uses the Quick Size Picker.
  • Grid View: After changing the instrument, the size will now reset to Size Group A (or to 1 if there is no Size Group) of the new instrument.
  • Chart View: Ignore drawing the tool when the tool is out of the range.
  • Chart View: Candlestick show the tooltip even if low==high.
  • Chart View: Possibility to remove all drawn objects and selected indicators.
  • Chart View: Configurable background color.
  • Chart View: Add to the right-click context menu some new orders like Delete all Indicators & Tools, Show open orders and Main chart Properties.


  • Grid View: A black line will be drawn on the ladder under the last manually centred price.
  • Grid View: Added two buttons to cancel all sell and buy orders separately.
  • Grid View: Re-ordered control panels.
  • Grid View: Temp. order size is now reset after each ladder action.
  • Grid View: Added „snap“ mechanism for the divider.
  • Grid View: Added possibility to drag and drop pairs of IfDone orders by holding CTRL during drag start.
  • Grid View: Hovering mouse over an IfDone order shows the pseudo positions of the stop and profit parts.
  • Chart View: Add an account filter (affects trade circles and open orders).
  • Chart View: Now uses the „advanced range picker“.
  • Chart View: Add new parameter to the main chart to become the Y-Axis scale to accomodate indicators.
  • Chart View: Add new indicator with 4 horizontal lines (previous day’s close, current day’s Open, High & Low).


  • Grid View: „Shift-C“ now re-centres all Grid Views.
  • Grid View Settings: All Grid View action-triggers are now configurable.
  • Order Date Spinner: Added a context menu to enable fast inserting the dates of „GFD“, „Tomorrow“, „End of Week“, „End of Month“ or „End of Year“.
  • Account Picker: Improved handling. Now uses the text entered to search for IDs and descriptions.
  • Account Picker: Now always scrolls to the selected account when opening the popup.
  • Views: Reduced the border width of Order Line and InstrumentExchange Info toggle buttons.


  • Chart View: Show open orders in charts.
  • Grid View: Added button „Half Position“ that’s closing half position.
  • Grid View: Added context menu to grid history area with a checkbox to en-/disable auto re-centering.
  • Grid View: Grid history is now scroll able with UP-, DOWN-, PAGE-UP- and PAGE_DOWN keys. The C-key re-centers the grid history immediately.
  • Grid View: Added the possibility to set a „valid until“-date for orders.
  • Grid View: Added a new divider to allow hiding the GridDisplays ControlPanel.
  • Grid View: Improved divider handling.
  • Grid View: Added the possibility to enter temporary order size.
  • Grid View Settings: Added the possibility to enable additional CTRL + click order entering.
  • News View: Copying a news item to the clipboard now copies headline and body instead only the body.
  • Order Check: Sell order volume check uses the maximum price of limit and market to calculate the predicted order volume, now.
  • Search View: Added a „Type“ column.
  • Chart View: Save sets of indicators.


  • Charts: Improved the efficiency of the Pivot Points (PPT) indicator.


  • Deployment: Added experimental properties „“ and „tbmx.client.systemCurrency.symbol“.


  • Logging: Improved reporting of severe errors in network handlers.


  • Deployment: Fixed the default Trade Server port, which was accidentally changed from 40408 to 40413 (the Login Server’s default port) in 3.4.41.


  • Deployment: Renamed „tbmx.client.alertserver.plainConnection“ to „“.
  • Deployment: Added „“ and „“. If set to true, these indicate that the connection to the Login or Trade Server (respectively) should be made without SSL encryption and gzip compression.


  • Portfolio View: Renamed „Depot“ to „Portfolio“ in the summary panel.
  • Portfolio View: The summary panel now shows „Due P&L“, which is the sum of P&L values for all differential contracts shown in the table, and „Margin“, which is (as you might imagine) the sum of all margins shown in the table.
  • Portfolio/Cash Views: Cash is no longer shown for currencies where the balance is 0.


  • General: Optimised order change processing, especially for orders with many states.


  • API: Added a COUNT tag to level 2 T-messages representing the number of orders at that rank (when available).


  • Click Trading Settings: Fixed restoring of BOC, Hidden and Manual order restrictions, which never worked correctly.


  • Settings: Fixed saving of Click Trading Settings, which was failing since 3.4.20.


  • Click Trading: The price factor of the Instrument is now considered when limiting the size once the Click Trading volume limit has been exceeded.


    (Skin updates only)


  • Equity Borrowing View: A better attempt is now made to show the current status of loans/returns when the responses from the issuer are malformed.


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.autologin.enabled“. When set to false, the „Automatic login?“ checkbox in the Login Window is always deselected and disabled. Defaults to true.


  • Deployment: JARs are now signed with a certificate issued by Thawte.


  • Network: Fixed initially requesting data for all accounts when loading Views from settings that had the „F“ button selected.


  • API: Add CSPOT.x tag to the OS message, with the currency spot of trades.


  • Quote Events: Fixed „Low“, „High“ and „Open“ using the value of „Last“.


  • Quote Sheet View: Loans are no longer included in positions columns such as NetSize.


  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: When available, the symbol of the Instrument on the current Reference Exchange is now shown in the Symbol column if no other symbols are available. Previously the ISIN would be shown.


  • API: Added a „BARE“ APIFORMAT mode for OS messages, delivering only as many states as necessary to provide a definitive status (usually 1).
  • API: Numerical values in historical ticks are now delivered with appropriate formatting.


  • Price Check: The bid or ask price (as appropriate) will now be used in price checks if the bid/ask tick is newer than the last tick.
  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: The bid price (for long positions) or ask price (for short positions) is now used as the reference price if the bid/ask tick is newer than the last tick.


  • Deployment: Fixed a minor bug in „tbmx.client.api.countryAccountMap“ handling.


  • Deployment: Added property „tbmx.client.api.countryAccountMap“. This takes a list of comma-separated exchange country+account->account mappings with the format „US=ACC1=ACC2,US=ACC3=ACC4,AU=ACC1=ACC101“.


  • Portfolio/Trade Stats Views: Busts are now more aggressively matched to executions when the timestamps aren’t identical, improving P&L correctness in these situations.


  • Click Trading: Added an action to place the selected order into the Order Line for editing. The action is bound to the middle mouse button and disabled by default.


  • Added property „tbmx.client.api.sendBufferSize“, which specifies the size (in bytes) of the Java stream buffer used when writing lines to the output socket. 0 means no buffering. Default: 8192.
  • Added property „tbmx.client.api.socketTimeout“, which specifies the timeout set for API connection sockets in milliseconds. 0 means no timeout, <0 means system default timeout. Default: 0.
  • Added property „tbmx.client.api.socketReceiveBufferSize“, which specifies the receive buffer size of API connection sockets to be requested from the OS. 0 means system default. Default: 0.
  • Added property „tbmx.client.api.socketSendBufferSize“ – as above, but for the send buffer.


    (Skin updates only)


  • API: Fixed excessive logging when a user has no access to an account.


  • Equity Borrowing View: Fixed old open loans sometimes not being shown.


    (Skin updates only)


  • Logging, Deployment: The directory used for log files and login settings is now selected from the following list: „.TBMX“, „TBMX“, „.XTPro“. The first of these directories found to already exist is used. If none is found, the first that can successfully be created is used.


  • Order Line: The IfDone and OCO fields, like the Limit field, now attempt to intelligently guess when a grouping separator has been entered where a decimal separator was intended.


  • Quote Sheet View: Fixed sorting becoming confused under rare circumstances, potentially causing a flood of exceptions.


  • Equity Borrowing View: New settlement date policy implemented: Loans are always settled at T+2. Returns are settled at T+2 unless the return is requested on the same day as the loan was requested, in which case T+3. The return settlement date is no longer editable.


  • Deployment: Properties in the form tbmx.client.views..enabled=false now make a view unavailable again. This was non-functional since 3.3.118.


  • Grid View: The „last“ size can now be shown to the right of the price in the ladder. This can be enabled using a new ‚Show „Last“ size in the ladder‘ option in the Views Settings.


  • Substitutions: Removed the „instrument.isin“ substitution – „“ can be used instead.
  • Skins: Updated to point to the appropriate 3.4 versions of the documentation.


  • Price Check Settings/Click Trading: The Click Trading volume limit is now considered to be in the system currency instead of the local currency of the InstrumentExchange being traded.


  • Chart View: Corrected the names of the „Upward“ and „Downward“ colour parameters of the candlestick renderer.
  • Chart View: Removed „Vertical Zoom“ parameter from the Pivot Point indicator.
  • Chart View: Fixed calculation of the „Support 2“ line in the Pivot Point indicator.
  • Price Check Settings/Click Trading: The Click Trading volume limit now takes the Instrument’s price factor into account.
  • Events View: The View now has a Range Picker to filter by time. The „time“ field is no longer searchable via text query.
  • News Events: Removed non-functional „created“ and „modified“ fields from the filter, as well as the functional but mostly-useless „id“ and „providerid“ fields.


  • Quote Sheet View: The „Ref Price“ column now shows values again (it was empty since 3.3.47).
  • News Events: To avoid undesired duplicate events from some problematic news feeds, updates to old news items no longer trigger an event.


  • (Revision bump)

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